Thursday, April 26, 2012


My brother decided the other day that he doesn't want to be on the family cell phone plan with me and my Dad.  This isn't the first time he has made that decision, but that's another story.

We're on AT&T Wireless.  My brother and I both have iPhones and I pay my old man's bill for his cheapo because otherwise he just wouldn't get a phone.  There's no real reason to separate the lines, but whatever. He can do what he wants.

So I went down to AT&T and explained the situation.  The woman behind the counter says "okay, we just need to run your credit."  Excuse me?

Apparently this is a thing that cell phone companies do now. They run your fucking credit so that you can get a fucking phone.  They run. Your fucking credit. So that you can get a fucking phone.

And that is where I snapped.

I think we've finally done it.  We've reached a point in this country where the level stupidity has reached critical mass and I'm not sure we can come back from the brink.

Now, you may be thinking I'm over-reacting.  I get it. People don't pay their cell phone bills. People have become so entitled that their first response to debt is "fuck it, I'm just not gonna pay it."  People used to tighten their belt and do what needed to be done.  Now they think it's someone else's problem. I understand that concept. I understand that these companies need to protect themselves.  It's still fucking stupid.  

I will be 33 years old this year. I have paid my own cell phone bill since I was 22 (only had one for a year before that).   I was at Sprint for something like 7 years before their incompetence led me to leave.  I've been with AT&T for the past 3 years.  I have never not paid the bill.  Sure, sometimes it's late, but only by a few days.  That's there in their system.  I'm not getting a new line of service. I'm not even getting a new phone.  They want to run my credit and probably start a new 2 year contract (I've passed the contract date) so that I can qualify for a cell phone line I already have.

I couldn't make shit like that up.  The really fucked up thing is that I don't know how good my credit is.  I may not qualify for the cell phone I already have and have been paying for over the last 3 years.  

Now tell me I'm over-reacting.

Since my contract is up, I was planning to wait until the iPhone 5 comes out later this year and possibly switch to -funny enough- Sprint.  But since AT&T is fucking me, I'm going to talk to them this weekend.  I realize they would probably run my credit and make me sign a new contract, but you know what? FUCK AT&T.  This is what you do to good customers?  This is how the fuck you repay loyalty?  FUCK YOU AT&T.  I'd rather pay more someone else than deal with you.

Now that you've heard today's rant, I need some input.  I've been wanting to do a podcast for a few years now.  I've been trying to figure out what it should be.

I have two ideas right now.

1. Critical Mass - a discussion on how ridiculous we have become.  I would discuss the stupidest news stories I can find and rant about it.

2. Storytime with Uncle Reb  -I would invite guests on to tell stories about themselves. People are fascinating. Let's get to know them.

Which of these podcasts would you rather listen to?

Friday, April 13, 2012

And You May Ask Yourself, This Is Not My Beautiful Wife...

It's my first day back at work from my vacation.  I've been back in New Orleans for 4 days roughly.

I feel like shit.

In retrospect, going back to Orlando for 4 days may have been a mistake.  I had an amazing time.   It was fantastic and I am as in love with that place as I ever was. Maybe more so.  But also, I felt better out there.  My feet hurt from the hours of walking and I was tired, but I felt so much better. I had energy.  I felt alive and excited.  I just wanted to keep going.  And when it was time to leave, I was incredibly disappointed.

Ever since I've been back, it feels like I've been run over with a truck.  It could be psycho-somatic.  But the reality is that New Orleans isn't the most hospitable environment.  There is literally something in the air.  The humidity is daunting (though to be fair, the last few days haven't been all that humid).  It's rough.  I would fair better in almost any other part of the country.  This isn't an epiphany.  I know this.  But it's been so long since I've sat and thought about it after a long trip, that I had forgotten how rough it is on me.

The fact is that New Orleans does not agree with me.

I'm in an odd position in my life.  I don't really hate my life.  I actually mostly like it.  My jobs are fine.  I like my friends. I'm not stuck at home watching tv every night.  Aside from the constant worry of my finances, things are going well.

But man... this place. I need to get out of here.