Thursday, December 15, 2011

If I Could Grow Wings

Last night I was talking with a friend about the innate desires that drive us.

For him it was a desire to be competent in all endeavors and a need for freedom.  That is to say, a life that isn't scheduled.

I thought about it for a moment.  I'd never really tried to figure out what desire drives me.  And I suppose it's freedom too, in a way.  I hate sitting still in one place.  It makes me feel trapped.  I can't stand just sitting at home.  I always want to be out and elsewhere.  When I think about the happiest times in my life, they're all vacations.  They're me out in the world.

I am a nomad by nature.

I just want to travel all the time.  Cars, motorcycles, trains and planes.  I want to see the world in all it's shapes and forms.  I want to fly.

You meet these people whose job it is to travel cross-country all the time and they claim to hate it.  I could see that if I had a wife or children. I don't.  I'd love a job like that.

I'm not sure I'll ever be happy tied to one place.

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