Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Should I Stay or Should I Go?

A few years back, I started blogs.  Three of them.

http://rebelcomix.com was intended to be the website for the comic shop I wanted to start.  I thought Rebel Comics was a good name for a store.  Unfortunately, the market is so screwed up that I no longer believe comics are a sane business venture. So the site has become just another blog with no end goal.

http://exdcp.com was where I intended to post my stories from Disney as well as my thoughts in general on the subject.  Unfortunately I never kept up with it and finally just let the site die last year.

http://URNasshole.com ...I bought this domain simply because it's an awesome name. I have ideas for things to do with it, but so far haven't done anything with it.  I've been considering letting this one die as well.

Now all these blogs have existed due to a friend lending me a hand.  Actually, that's putting it lightly.  Baker let me put my blogs on his servers and there they've sat for quite a while now.  I've never given him more than a "thank you", which says quite a bit about his generosity. Come to think of it; that says some very unflattering things about me as well.

Well now things have changed.  Due to rising costs, he needs to charge me for being on his servers.  DON'T MISUNDERSTAND.  I'm not complaining about having to pay.  Certainly, I owe him that.  The fact is, had I the money to do so, I would have started paying him a long time ago.  Sadly, it doesn't look like any of the sites will ever turn a profit.

I still post on Rebelcomix.com.  However, most of my writing these days goes to BSIcomics.com, where I'm an unofficial employee. Rebelcomix has become the place I say things that others might regard as controversial.  I'm not the most motivated person, so juggling multiple balls isn't going very well.  I'm going to pay him for the rest of the year.  But after that, I'm wondering if I should just let the sites all die.  I have this blogspot site to discuss all my non-comic opinions. I suppose this could be all encompassing. Part of the reason I haven't done that is because I discuss political opinions here and I wanted to keep that far away from my comic posts unless it's directly related to comics.

I don't know what I'm going to do.  Thoughts?

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